The conversation, as I walked past, not breaking stride, Biggie in a perfect heel next to me:
Odd Man: You still look gorgeous!
Me: ...Thanks. (Am I really at that age where the only compliments I'm going to get on my appearance are from crazy dudes? Really?? Because that sort of sucks.)
OM: And I still want that dog!
Me: heh... (You would not know how to handle a kuvasz)
OM: Or even half that dog!
OM: How 'bout just the tail? That's good eatin'!
UPDATE: On the late night walk, Biggie and P-Daddy run into a guy who looks like he's a resident at one of the neighborhood halfway houses. He calls out, "Hey Biggie!" (yes, Biggie has a fan club of people we don't even know). Biggie starts growling, P-Daddy reins him in. Halfway House Guy says, "He must not recognize me because I just got a haircut." HHG pulls off his hat, revealing a pretty average-looking (i.e. not short) 'fro. And no, Biggie did not suddenly go up to him going, "Of course! It's YOU!" He just stood there at attention, though he did stop growling.