Thursday, February 5, 2009

Would I lie to you?

My buddies Stanislaw and Big Pupi, fellow raw meat eaters, gave this Honest Weblog award.

The rules:"When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real.

Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on! "

Stan and Big Pupi are quite honest about their peeble and pooble adventures, and their frank openness - let's face it, they let it ALL hang out - has made it oh so much easier for me to go on my rants. Stan and Big Pupi didn't include an icon in their post, which maybe makes this the cheapest award ever - no prize, not even an icon! So I'll just make one up of my own:

oh never mind. Momma is too lazy to figure something out. This honesty thing sure is fun!

Since I was about to embark on a series of posts about my raw diet (and this is especially cool since Stan and Big Pupi were the ones who gave me this invisible "award"), I figured I'd tell you 10 honest-to-goodness-whole-truth-and-nothing-but-the-truth facts about my diet and my eating habits:

1. When I am hungry I go sit in my crate and wait for food to appear. (I always get fed in my crate.)

2. I'm almost ALWAYS hungry.

3. When my 2nd human gets home from work, I'll look at them and then go sit in my crate and wait for dinner, even though 1st human already fed me. This trick has never worked before, but it *might* work the next time I try it!

4. I'm slightly finicky about my fruit, but give me any lightly cooked orange vegetable (pumpkin, yams, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes) and I will gobble it up.

5. I LOVE carbs. Anything starchy is my favorite.

6. I like to eat snow though I don't care about ice cubes.

7. I once caught a live duck but Momma made me let it go.

8. ditto, but a NYC street pigeon.

9. ditto, but a mouse.

10. I was on a leash when I did #8 and #9. heh.

Now, to pass it on to 7 friends:

Madison - She's a big girl who is learning to be a great Ft. Lauderdale ambassador and healing her family's broken hearts

George - Because he is so open about how much love he has to give (basically, it's endless)

Amber-Mae - She let "anonymous" have it! You tell 'em!

Wally - for all his Barking for Barack, he's definitely keepin' it real.

Misty the Alpha Poodle - for reminding me about the Idiotarod.

Peanut and Flash - for their uncontained and open joy at Dad's homecoming. (He's a veterinanarian)

Dannan - for his indomitable spirit.

Now off to more posts about RAW FOOD!


Amber-Mae said...

Hey, I'm almost always hungry too! Food is never out of mah mind. I think about it every second of the day. Thanks for tagging me big fella! We know who this anonymous is, she was a trouble maker since last year. I upgraded my chat box & changed anonymous & put her name down in BIG letters! Looks like she's finally shut up. You know why? She's very afraid to be known.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dexter said...

Biggie! I do the same thing. Even though Master usually feeds me, I tell Momma I am totally starved when she gets home. Sometimes if they don't coordinate I get fed twice!

Yuh, big guys are hungry. Why are they always starving us? Why couldn't you eat those birds? I thought you were on a raw diet.


Stanislaw said...

Hey dude! The award image is on Maggie and Mitch's blog:

I couldn't get it to link through and my screen grab wasn't obeying my every command. So my post went sans-award pic.

But on a more important topic... aren't pigeons DELICIOUS??!!

Anonymous said...

Haha! Biggie, I didn't know you caught a duck! And a pigeon while on the leash. Ha.

That award is hilarious.

Can't wait to learn more about the raw diet for dogs.

Anonymous said...

Wow Biggie, we're always hungry too, what's up with that? We still don't know why we couldn't have ALL those chicken feet that DawgMom thawed out. Way to go with the raw diet, it's gooooood, huh?

Georgeous said...

Hey Biggie! Thanks for the paward and saying such nice things about me. I'm getting Pooky to help me think about 10 truths. Have a great weekend, ps we have had more snow!!
Tail wags

the many Bs said...

hey Biggie, we are in awe of you because you catch stuff. we are great hunters, but we haven't caught anything except for that time Brody caught and KILLED a rat. mom wasn't watching, thank dog, or she would have fainted. she turned quite a few shades of pale when he brought it into the house to show her his prize.


Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Can't wait to follow Biggie Z's adventures! Got your link from Stanislaw! We are fellow dog bloggers - Pruett, my brother, is a black long haired GSD, and I'm Daphne, a white long haired GSD! We love to eat too! (but we aren't on a raw diet - I'll figure out how to leave some hints for our humans cause it looks delicious). I eat slow and lady like and my brother eats like a PIG!!! Have a great day!!!!