Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Seasonal poll to the right... --->
We're still in Vermont, I've been playing with dogs and generally having a great time other than overindulging in some rawhide last night that has my tummy a bit upset. 

Hint: If you are still looking for belated Christmas presents for Mommy and P-Daddy, they might like some more Nature's Miracle for the Vermont condo. And paper towels...


Wimsey said...

Maria also likes The Nightmare Before Christmas and Letal Weapon as Christmas movies too. Me, as long as I can curl up on her on the couch, I don't care what she watches!


Urban Smoothie Read said...

merry christmas biggie z...

wish u a new year too

Anonymous said...

We like "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" (1960s version). Mostly because our mom loves it. A little bit because Rudolph's nose makes such a strange sound we have to cock our heads at the TV screen. And, last, because when mom watches it, she lets us share her popcorn!

~ Victor and PeterPan